Seat cushion travels forward and back, then locks into position.
Both taller and shorter users should be able to find a depth that accommodates their upper leg length.
Properly adjusted, Seat Depth helps users maintain proper back support, while distributing their weight evenly across the seat cushion.
When weight is correctly distributed, pressure will be alleviated at the ischial tuberosities (the points on the pelvis that contact the seat) and also at the knee joints.
How To Use:
With this system, the seat cushion itself moves.
Depending on model, the actuator will be a lever on the left side of the chair, near the front, or a bar just beneath the front of the seat (like a car seat).
Engage the actuator and “skooch” the seat forward or backward as desired.
Recommended Position:
Position the seat cushion so that your back is in full contact with the back cushion, while allowing 2-3 “finger widths” between the front edge of the seat and the back of the knees.